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    Главная » Статьи » World » ВЛАСТЬ

    project 2012
    Kind to you time of

    expensive WOKEN up and WAKING up!

    Recently I was visited by

    fantastic idea which I hastened to share with you.
    I named it "the PROJECT


    Not every

    year lived by us, was in an anticipation of such round date. And never before in the history, there was

    no such 2009. As well as other other year))
    But a distinctive feature of current year, I think for

    all it is obvious:

    1. Becoming ripe excitements of global scales.
    2. Confident

    intention CORORATOCRACY, to transition in the DICTATORSHIP mode.
    3. Not skilled earlier growth of

    the adherents wishing the "The Venus Project" to make by a reality.
    4. Monthly there is video the

    information, with exposure of financial elite. And it is much another...

    Such concentration,

    was not for all history of mankind!

    THE PROJECT 2012


    night since December, 31st, 2011, on 1th January, 2012, people of all world, having broken tradition to

    a drunk meeting of New Year, go out of doors with all cash, securities, and symbolically burn them.

    For days of a meeting of New Year, all money for a planet will be burnt!!!

    Wars of all

    world, in a moment will stop, and at war will embrace! All up in arms, разорудят the trunks, also will

    go to families.
    On all mass-media shocking reportings: PEOPLE OF ALL WORLD, IN THE NEW


    "Rockefeller will tell to Morgan - You look, have woken up... And here it was interesting to me, how

    many we still can swindle them. All right, have woken up, the civilisation means has ripened for The

    Venus Project"))

    Manufactures on all world, are debugged and function it is a lot of. Shops and

    warehouses, are overflowed by the diverse goods, but in difference from 2011, there are not present

    either sellers, or protection, the price list. Everyone can come to any shop, and to take that will

    wish. After all will not run all to assort Porsche Cayenne! Someone prefers other car))

    Will pass

    not a lot of time, and according to the logic of things, shops and warehouses will become empty. But,

    it does not occur. Everyone continues to go for work if it is pleasant to it! Matter of course that the

    Malaysian woman workin in sewing to shop for 15 hours a day, for copecks, will not come to work! Well

    and to an example trainer Ajkido, will cease to be engaged in business of all life, if its pupils come

    without money for training? Confidently is not present!
    For example, all people working in

    marketing departments Daimler u Crysler, will receive on a Mercedes from a warehouse, and will go to be

    engaged in to what the soul lies. If you think that all will be filled up on sofas as lazy cats, it not

    so. It becomes very quickly boring. Everyone can get to that area of a science and technics where he


    And how other areas? The person working on uninteresting monotonous not straining work to

    which has in the course of time got used... How to it to be? If he knows that fruits of its work, will

    add one more product which is necessary to a society, and in replacements it will not receive a piece

    of paper with figures from the past, and will have an opportunity to take from a shelf all what it

    requires, hence, it will not stop the work.
    The owner of an automatic car wash, instead of the

    operator of the person, will put 4th pentium, and instal the program which washes the car from pressing

    of one button which will press a wheel of the car, called in to take a shower)) The owner in the past,

    will be proud of the creation, and advantage to a society! And instead of inscriptions with prices,

    will place the reference to the site on which will expose (for example) the collection of own verses

    which he always liked to compose and on which it always did not have time, being engaged in this race

    on enrichment...

    The owner of a supermarket, will with own hand clean doors, will paint over price

    lists, and with pride of all mankind, will fasten the big inscription on a show-window "ALL FREE

    - ALL TIME". Will type the full cart of products, and will go home to a family! And next day,

    having seen in shop the become empty regiments, will contact suppliers, and will remind, how many what

    products for this area, region, the country are necessary! Also will concern it with full

    responsibility, and pride, of that that is useful to a society! People making these products, will

    contact suppliers of raw materials, and will inform that is necessary for maintenance with products of

    this area, a city, the country, it is so much and so much raw materials, with a sense of responsibility

    and pride that promote maintenance necessary, the whole region! And this chain will proceed, to a

    deposit of resources! And the nature, will not ask for it money or gold, it is generous, and all at it

    is a lot of! Nobody can already tell that it is my earth, my mine, my sea! As on the night of 2012, all

    pieces of paper have been burnt.

    All who sits in prisons, throughout the whole day, or week, to

    show news lines of 2012, day of the first, and so three films the Spirit of the age in which thirds of

    part, Jaque Fresko in details will show That such The Venus Project.

    Under a name "the PROJECT

    2012" to write the scenario considered in the slightest details for a new film, and to send it to those

    who has experience in filming of super qualitative films, George Lucas for example... At whom that is

    ICQ Luсasa?)))

    It is mad dream!!!

    In next New Year,

    people of all world, will get rid of slavery!!!

    Who is able to think critically, that understands

    that remains less 3 years, for mankind acquaintance, with possibility of the free future which has begun

    very sharply, since 2012!

    (All written above, with sobriety in blood, and clearness in mind)

    Continuation will be...

    "In the World

    there is nothing more powerful, than the idea, which time has come"

    Категория: ВЛАСТЬ | Добавил: Sydney (13.03.2009)
    Просмотров: 1073 | Теги: nomoney, FREEDOME, 2012 | Рейтинг: 5.0/3
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